Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Factors to be Considered before Hip Replacement Surgery

Osteoarthritis (OA) is, basically, the outcome of a variety of disorders that triggers structural or functional failure of the bone joints. The hip joint is the largest bone joint which is also known as ball and socket joint.


The bones of the hip joint are connected with each other with bands of tissue known as ligaments that are lubricated with the fluid to lower friction. Joints are also enclosed by a cartilage tissue that cushions the joints and prevents them from rubbing beside each other. A person is recommended for the hip replacement surgery if he/she is unable to perform routine activities such as standing, walking, sitting, bending, stretching, and running. However, there are several factors that are examined before the hip replacement surgery in South Delhi including age, gender, weight, and movability.

Gender – Women are at high risk of the joint pain and stiffness because they need more calcium than men as they go through several life changing phases including menstruation cycle, pregnancy, and menopause. Therefore, they soon lose the amount of calcium required for bone health which triggers the joint pain and stiffness and inability to perform certain movements.

Age – Typically people above the age of 50 are said to be the prone candidates, though the surgery can be performed to the young patients as well depending on the medical condition of the patient. The orthopedic surgeon in Delhi first recommends certain medications and treatment, and if nothing seems to be affecting, then they suggest for the hip replacement surgery.

Weight – Obese people having higher body mass index (BMI) have a higher risk of joint failure. A person having extra body weight gives more strain on the bones and muscles to perform the movements which then lead to developing osteoarthritis.

Movability – Long hours sitting job and performing strenuous exercises can put a lot of strain on the hip joints that prompts risk of osteoarthritis. The excess strain on the joints can damage or injure the cartilage and ligaments of the hip joints.

Monday, 18 September 2017

How Lifestyle Factors Lead to Arthritis?

It’s getting common that people at very young age are undergoing knee replacement in Delhi. The Orthopedic Surgeons clarifies that though the major cause of knee joint pain and stiffness is arthritis, several lifestyle changes also lead to joint pain and stiffness.


We all must have observed that with the technological advancements, the lifestyle of every person has changed to an extent. These lifestyle habits affect the health of a person in a very broad way and thus, stops them to actively perform their routine activities.

Sitting jobs – for meeting the everyday needs, it’s important to earn a living. The earning methods have been changed over the years. Earlier, the living was earned by doing farming or making crafts at home, but, today, people are engaged in the employment sector where they have to sit for long hours at one place only. Sitting in the same position for long hours can cause knee stiffness and numbness. Orthopedic surgeons in Delhi suggest that a person should move from their places and practice some general exercises like stretching the legs.

Walking and jogging – As everyone is having their personal vehicle, they just skip going for a walk or jog. This is also one of the major reasons for the knee replacement in Delhi because even if a person has to travel a 100 meter distance, he/she will use their vehicle instead of choosing an option to walk a little distance. According to an Orthopedic, a person should walk at least half an hour in a day and it’s a bitter truth that more than half of generation lacks this as well. They use escalators or elevators even for reaching the first floor of a building.

Unhealthy diet – To maintain a good bone health, it is essential that a person intakes sufficient amount of calcium and vitamins and follow a healthy diet plan. Research suggests that taking the required amount of Vitamins and calcium reduces the possibilities of arthritis. Also, following a healthy diet will prevent a person from obesity, which is also a major cause of arthritis.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Anatomy of Hip Replacement in South Delhi

A hip replacement in South Delhi, medically known as an arthroplasty, is basically a surgical method that involves removing the diseased parts of the hip joint and replacing them with the artificial ones, medically termed as the prosthesis.


The age and gender don’t influence the need of the replacement surgery as any person at any age might require undergoing the treatment. Generally, arthritis in people aged above 60 is to most common factor, but, several other conditions like hip fracture and physical trauma can lead to hip replacement surgery. Candidates feel extreme pain and stiffness in their hips and experience the inability to perform routine movements such as walking, climbing the stairs, and sleeping.

The hip is the largest joint of a human body made up of a ball and socket joint. The ball is a femoral head (upper end of the thigh bone is known as the femur), whereas, the socket is formed by the acetabulum (part of the large pelvis bone). The surface of the ball and socket joint is covered with articular cartilage which is a smooth tissue that cushions the bone ends and supports them to move easily. A thin layer of tissue called synovial membrane surrounds the hip joint. When this synovial membrane stops releasing a fluid that lubricates the cartilage movements and eliminates the friction during the hip movement, a person experiences severe pain and stiffness and thus, is recommended for hip replacement in South Delhi.

However, before recommending the surgery, an orthopedic surgeon first examines the conditions of a patient through:
  • Medical history – An orthopedic will first gather the patient’s medical history to examine general health issues and probably ask questions regarding the hip pain and how it is affecting the ability to perform routine activities.
  • Physical examination – hip mobility, strength, and alignment will be examined.
  • X-rays – the images will help the orthopedic to determine the level of damage and deformity in the hips joints
  • Other tests – magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan to detect the bone and soft tissues conditions.

When to Visit an Orthopaedic Specialist

  Orthopaedic conditions can significantly affect your daily life. Recognizing when to see a specialist can help prevent further damage and ...